4 Poems

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They want us to be their glory
Shining a new story on facebook every day
Where Dark under eyes
Are just lies covered by concealer
Where foundation is my healer
My true skin colour
They don’t wanna see
They chant about bright glowing skin
Day and night
They despise the smallest pimple
Dimples are what they admire
And an hourglass figure
That is the true power
To keep their eyes glued
On every sway of the hips
And do not forget to lay
Under the sun every day
To achieve the required tan
Real talks are banned
They do not want to hear about your achievements
Tell me more about your dress they say
And how many have got the opportunity to undress you
They ask
Privacy is not their legacy
They want us to be their glory
Shining a new story on facebook every day

Love handles

The number of love handles on my body
Does not impact my ability to handle love
Spread your eyesight
Beyond the limits
Of weight
And cellulite
My fight is not against
The size of my clothes
I only strive
To grow my heart
Ignore my unsexy body
For a while
You will see a true self
You can talk for hours with
I promise a pure connection of hearts


I have set my mindset
At the verge of the last sunset
I bet
You find it sad
You think it’s bad
To live in despair
To think that life is unfair
Would you care less
If I loved a little more
Or if | roared a little less
I do not follow
What’s best for me
You will find me below the last sunset
Trying to hold up the sun
For a little longer
Trying to satisfy my hunger
A little more
Is what we yearn for
So why does try for it
A little more
Until the last sun sets

The so called free

Yes we are free
If education gave wings
Then we are free
If a job provided independence
Then we are free
If maternity leaves gave us time
Then we are free
But before shining with glee
I invite you to have a round behind the scenes
If she is the only one who has to face the clatter of dishes
After returning home from work
Then she is not free
If she is still expected to be the only one staying awake at night to take of the baby
Then she is not free
If she is expected to take up a job that allows her to reach home at a specific time to
cook dinner
Then she is still not free
If she is expected to be married before 25
She is still not free
If her lips are glued to silence
Her hands tied with unnecessary obedience
And legs chained to a certain distance She is still not free

Kaushar Edoo Bibi Auleear

Kaushar Edoo Bibi Auleear

Kaushar is a performance poet from the beautiful island of Mauritius. She started writing and performing slam poetry in 2019 during a local workshop. Poetry is now a way to voice her inner feelings. She hopes to influence and encourage the youth through her poems by delivering powerful messages. Being fluent in Creole, Bhojpuri, English, French, and Urdu allows her to express herself in different ways. However, Creole remains the most impactful language for her performances since it is her mother tongue. She takes pride in her country’s rich in culture and diversity and strives to represent this in her words. She also believes that poetry has the power to change minds and inculcate positivity, which she tries to do whenever she IS on stage.

Kaushar also goes by the name MisKa. You can follow her journey on Facebook at Kaushar Edoo – MisKa