Call For Submissions: The Muse Journal

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The Muse Journal is currently accepting applications from all writers in every part of the world to submit to her 52nd Issue.

The Muse is a journal of critical and creative writing, an annual publication of the Department of English and Literary Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. It is the oldest-surviving students’ journal in West Africa, founded by Chinua Achebe in 1963. With a focus on fostering creativity and critical thinking, Muse Journal features a range of content including essays, poetry, short stories, and articles that delve into the craft of writing and the broader cultural implications of literature.

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Entries must be the original work of the author and must not have been published elsewhere.
  2. Each entry category must have the minimum requirements of words as follows:
  • Poetry must have a maximum of 3 poems of not more than 40 lines each.
  • Plays (One Acts) must not exceed 3500 words. Submit a single entry
  • Short stories should be between 1500-3500 words. Submit a single entry.
  • Pidgin Poetry: Submit a maximum of 3 poems of not more than 30 lines each.
  • Creative Non-fiction should not exceed 2500 words. Submit a single entry.
  • Flash Fiction must not exceed 1000 words.
  • Critical Essays/Research Papers on Language or Literature must not exceed 3500 words. Submit a single entry.
  • Literary Reviews must be of a book not published earlier than 2021 and must not exceed 2500 words. Submit a single entry.
  • Artworks/Photography should be scanned and sent as a Microsoft Word doc. Submit a maximum of 3 entries.
  • Hybrids should not exceed 2500 words. Submit a single entry.
  1. Include a bio of not more than 100 words in a separate doc. attachment
  2. Entries must be sent in as doc. or docx attachments in 12 font size, Times New Roman font. Do not include your name in the body of work. Also include a brief, well-written cover letter.
  3. Subject of the email should follow this format: SUBMISSION FOR THE MUSE 52: GENRE: Title of the work.

To apply, kindly send in your entry to

Submissions are currently open until August 30th, 11:59 p.m.

Best of luck to all applicants!

Bongiwe T. Maphosa

Bongiwe T. Maphosa

Bongiwe Maphosa is a budding author with a passion for storytelling. With her thought-provoking narratives, she takes her readers on a literary adventure. Bongiwe's works on the human condition from a fresh perspective have earned her recognition and publications in the Avbob Poetry Anthology of 2019, The Writer's Club of South Africa 2021, and JAY Lit in 2021. She hopes to cement her place in the literary community.