Do Not Speak Ill of Your Mothers

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Photo by Clarke Sanders on Unsplash

This were the words doused into the mouths

of young girls who ran

the streets clothed with nakedness


Begging for love  to replace the nightmares

of past years holding back the

lullaby on their mother’s tongues,


Praying that warmth steals the fellowship

of coldness in their hearts forever


God, sometimes, strolls out of heaven

on days when they turn their heads back to

the sky, digging for the little stars that twinkle.


These girls, run slowly away from

the wombs that walked them into

the earth. Their eyes scream silently into us.


mad, but stitch themselves into the fabric

of sanity. The missteps of their mothers

are consigned to the grave 


Squelched out of their memory

into concealers

& worn on their faces, like clowns.


“Do not speak ill of your mothers”

Is not for girls who are not 

their mother’s daughters

Annah Atane

Annah Atane

Annah Atane is a Nigerian writer, born and raised in the northeast. She is a lover of art and finds fulfillment in submerging herself in it. She is an avid reader, a sister and friend to many. She believes that family is the most important thing to have, far and near. She holds a BSc in Animal Science from the University of Maiduguri, Borno State. Her works have appeared in Brittle Paper, Spill Words Press, itanilè, Kalahari Review, and elsewhere.